
Can't give ya my number but I can tell u about me(

April 21 2008, 8:19 PM

Hello.....nah to formal.......Hi.......Oh whatever I am VERY wierd!!But don't worry I'm not a syco-maniac (or am I jk)I am a vegiterian(who wants to be VEGAN parents wo't let me) I love xotic food and i love my fam!!!I am mysterious in some ways and I hate..ok dislike(Is that word better Ma) DRAG QUEENS!!!!!!!I hate people who are annoying(no sis' your not who I am talkin about)(heheeeheeeeee)And I hate animalHaters!!!

Posted in uhhh....Wierd IDk


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  • Female
  • 16 years old


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Last update Apr 21, 2008